drawing of a question mark with pencil and eraser
Implementation of CLM Systems

Comparison of top.legal With Pandadoc: Features and Limitations

Using powerful CLM software (Contract Lifecycle Software) such as top.legal, created contracts and documents can also be negotiated directly in the software and changes can be identified for the other party. A subsequent compliance workflow to approve changes is also currently not included in the PandaDoc software package.

PandaDoc's offer software is also popular with sales teams in Germany - but does it also work for legal topics and contracts in particular? This article compares the features and limitations of PandaDoc with top.legal's one-stop contract platform.

While PandaDoc is popular with sales teams for providing simple documents and offers due to its offer features and good range of integrations, teams often need additional functionality that goes beyond the scope of a CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote Software) system when creating and processing contracts.

For example, when it comes to functions related to editing and negotiating contract texts in markup mode, this cannot usually be done directly on PandaDoc. In this case, the software and other CPQ systems provide a frustrating experience for users.

Using powerful CLM software (Contract Lifecycle Software) such as top.legal, created contracts and documents can also be negotiated directly in the software and changes can be identified for the other party. A subsequent compliance workflow to approve changes is also currently not included in the PandaDoc software package.

Other issues and restrictions for PandaDoc users

  • No negotiation option: An internal platform negotiation is not available - documents must be downloaded as.docx in order to upload them again after the negotiation.
  • No sign of change: The styling and formatting of previous changes can no longer be identified after the import/export process.
  • Process logics and conditional paragraphs are missing: As CPQ software, PandaDoc cannot display conditional paragraphs and conditional logics in documents, not to mention nested logics.
  • Missing metadata of contracts: Metadata in contracts helps with archiving contracts and with a possible search for them. Without them, audit trails for negotiation or collaboration are not maintained and it is difficult to search even within contracts.
  • The e-signature feature costs in addition: This creates friction for end users, as they would have to pay for an additional license to unlock the e-signature feature, which is essential for legal teams.

In summary, it can be stated that visionary lawyers and sales teams are better advised to use more comprehensive contract automation software when agreeing and managing contracts, although CPQ software provides additional benefits for certain areas of application.

Why is top.legal a better platform for contract automation?

Negotiations can take place directly via the browser

PandaDoc users must switch to alternative software when negotiating contracts. Direct negotiation with the other party via the application is not possible. With CLM systems such as top.legal, you can edit documents in markup mode, write internal and external comments, and chat with the other party asynchronously about the terms of the contract. In addition, you and your team can set tasks for yourself at any time to review changes or keep an eye on deadlines.

A nice editor specifically designed for contracts

CLM systems such as top.legeal usually offer tailor-made editors that were built for optimized processing of contracts. In this way, colleagues in sales can be guided by intelligent comments when drafting contracts, and customers can be persuaded to sign more quickly via explanations in written and video format. All contracts are available in a machine-readable format and can be searched and evaluated upon creation and also after signature.

Designed to support and empower legal and sales teams

Legal teams often need the following features, which go far beyond signing offer documents. In top.legal, you can:

  • Use conditional logic at text and paragraph level to incorporate complex documents and diverse logics in your documents.
  • Create in-depth analyses for your contracts.
  • Negotiate contracts directly from your browser and have changes approved by authorized employees

With top.legal's all-in-one contract automation software, legal and sales teams can enable their colleagues to create and manage contracts independently and without losing control.

Contract management takes into account analysis of filed contracts

With top.legal, contracts and the sections and data sets they contain can be searched at any time, including audit logs and negotiation processes, as everything can be traced back to structured data.

Another advantage of this type of architecture is that selected data can also be transferred to CRM and accounting systems in a structured manner. Further processing of the data is therefore easy and does not have to be laboriously picked out of the contracts first. At the same time, the exchange of data with all authorized departments and teams is very easy. This means that everyone always has access to the data, even if a colleague is on vacation.

The electronic signature is not an addition, it is included!

When you subscribe to top.legal, you should always remember that the e-signature feature is included without the need to purchase an additional license. It also works on any device whenever you need it. You can carry out your contract management along with other important functions without even leaving the platform.

Frequently asked questions

Is top.legal developed for sales teams?

Yes, top.legal was even explicitly designed for joint use by sales and legal teams. The average implementation phase for top.legal is 14 days on average. The all-in-one contract management platform was adopted by the sales teams of fast-growing companies.

Can I move my existing signed contracts to top.legal?

Yes, it is possible. On the one hand, you can upload your existing and signed PDF to top.legal. Key parameters and metadata can be recorded and used for later evaluation.

On the other hand, you can have existing contracts read out for a template. In a first step, our AI takes care of this and transforms your contracts into a machine-readable format. In a further step, our legal engineers help you set up a process for faster and valuable contracts.

How quickly can the software be implemented in the company?

You can start using the software in your company immediately after a conversation with one of our account managers. Of course, our legal engineers will help you set up the initial processes and documents. In addition, we can integrate your existing software (as well as CRM and ERP systems) into the contract preparation processes.

Does top.legal help me right from the start?

Yes, of course We can help you every step of the way if that's what you want. We help you create templates and processes, train your teams, and implement them in your company. No matter where you need us, we'll support you!

How does the electronic signature work?

Signing a contract using an advanced electronic signature is a simple and intuitive process. The first step is to invite the party whose signature you need to sign your contract. In this step, the software creates a hash of the document, which can ensure the integrity of the document. The invited party will then receive an email invitation and a secure link to the document to be signed. As soon as the document is opened, the signatory is asked to enter a mobile phone number to obtain a PIN number. With the PIN received, the document is finally signed.

Is top.legal's native eSignature legally binding?

Yes The secure native eSignature of top.legal complies with the EU Commission regulation of July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS). The electronic signature can also be executed via a mobile telephone.

Demo and pricing

Book a demo today to get to know the full range of functions of top.legal's contract management software. Just contact our experts for more details about our prices.

What other functionalities does top.legal offer?

Funktionsweise Beschreibung
Erinnerungen Verwenden Sie automatisierte Vertragserinnerungen um sicherzustellen, dass Sie nie eine Frist verpassen.
Analytics Dashboard Über die Analytics-Funktion erhalten Sie Übersicht und Auswertungen der Schlüsselparameter Ihrer Verträge, sowie Informationen zu den Verhandlungen und zur Dauer eines Vertragszykluses. Informationen können auf Team und Mitarbeiterebene heruntergebrochen werden.
Aufgaben Dashboard Das Dashboard liefert Ihnen eine zusätzliche Übersicht sämtliche Aufgaben und Fristen, die sich selber bzw. Ihr Team gesetzt haben.
Rechteverteilung Definieren Sie Rollen für jedes Teammitglied, um festzulegen, wer spezifische Verträge und Vorlagen lesen bzw. bearbeiten kann.
Team-basierte Zugriffsrechte Teilen Sie Ihre Vorlagen mit Ihrem Team, um zu gewährleisten, dass alle Mitarbeiter jederzeit Zugriff auf die für Sie bestimmten Verträge haben. So senken Sie das Risiko, das alte risikobehaftete Vorlagen weiterhin genutzt werden
Status Tracking Verfolgen Sie den Status eines Vertrages während des gesamten Lebenszykluses: von Entwurf über Unterschrift bis zu Folgeaufgaben
Genehmigungen Genehmigen Sie Vorlagen und Änderungen von Vorlagen direkt im Dokumenten-Editor. Geben Sie Verträge auf Basis genehmigter Vorlagen ohne Verzögerung für die Nutzung durch ausgewählte Teams frei.
Aufgaben Definieren Sie Aufgaben und delegieren Sie diese teamübergreifend, um Produktivität maximal zu erhöhen.
Verschiedene Teams Erstellen Sie mehrere Teams und legen Sie Team-basiert Rollen für ausgewählte Dokumente fest.
Global Playbook- Management Verwalten Sie Vorlagen sicher von einem zentralen Konto aus, so dass Sie unternehmensweit immer mit aktuellen Versionen arbeiten.
Intelligente Suche Durchsuchen Sie all Ihre Verträge und einzelne Parameter mit einer intelligenten Suchfunktion.
Tags Organisieren Sie Ihre Verträge mit Schlagworten, um sie besser schneller wiederfinden zu können.
Externe Gäste Laden Sie externe Gäste sowie beispielsweise externen Rechtsanwälte ein, um Ihre Verträge punktuell rechtlich prüfen zu lassen.

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