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Extension / Termination

Controlling Contract Changes: Best Practices for Companies

Would you like to avoid project delays, cost overruns, and disputes with stakeholders? Tired of juggling multiple tasks and resources and hoping that your project stays within scope, schedule, and budget? Then it is time to discover the key to successful project management.

In the world of project management, contracts play an important role as they form the basis for every successful project. Contracts essentially define the scope of the project, the schedule, the services to be provided and the budgets and the responsibilities of client and contractor are defined. However, changes are often required over the course of the project life cycle. To effectively manage these changes, a well-structured system to control contract changes is essential.

What is a System For Monitoring Contract Changes?

A contract change control system is a process for managing contract changes. It involves developing a range of policies and procedures for seeking, reviewing, approving, and implementing contract changes. The method is intended to ensure that all contract changes are carefully reviewed, documented and notified to all parties involved. This avoids ambiguities and uncertainties and ensures that all parties involved are aware of the changes and their impact on the project.

Why Are Systems To Control Contract Changes Important?

Without a system to control contract changes, changes to a project can quickly get out of control, resulting in increased project scope, missed deadlines, and increased costs. An effective change control system, on the other hand, gives companies more control over the project as it ensures that changes are properly analyzed and approved before they are implemented. This keeps the project on time, within budget and within budget.

Understanding Contract Changes

Contracts are naturally subject to change during the project life cycle, as they represent agreements between two parties. These changes can happen for a variety of reasons.

Types of Contract Amendments

  1. Project scope changes relate to the changes to the original project requirements. Such changes may include adding or removing specific tasks, benefits, or goals that were originally contracted. Changes in project scope can occur for a variety of reasons, such as discovering new information, involving new stakeholders in the project, or shifting overall project objectives.
  2. Time extensions: This is the case when the project schedule is extended beyond the allotted time period. Time extensions are granted in response to unexpected incidents, changes in project goals or scope, or other external variables that affect the project time frame. In order to take account of the extended schedule, it may be necessary to negotiate new deadlines and change project milestones accordingly.
  3. Price adjustments are crucial when it comes to contract changes, as they ensure that the costs of the project are consistent with the changed project scope, goals and schedule. Contracting parties may be exposed to financial risks if correct price changes are not made, which could lead to conflicts, project delays, or even project cancellation.
  4. Payment terms are an essential aspect of contract changes, as they determine when and how payments are made to the parties involved. Failure to update payment terms to reflect the changes could result in payment delays, disputes between the parties, and potential legal issues. If you ensure that payment terms are clearly defined and updated when contract changes, you can ensure a fair and transparent payment process for all parties involved.

Causes of Contract Changes

  1. Project requirements: Changes in project requirements are a common cause of contract changes. As the project progresses, new requirements may arise or existing requirements may be changed. These changes may be due to new information or suggestions from stakeholders. Scope changes and price adjustments are the most common contract changes that occur due to project requirements.
  2. Market conditions: Refers to changes in the economic or business environment that may affect contract terms. Price fluctuations, supply and demand, competition, customer behavior, and government laws are examples of such changes. These market conditions can impact the project's budget, timeline, and overall viability, and force contract changes to ensure a successful completion.
  3. Statutory or regulatory changes: These changes may take the form of new laws, changes to existing laws, or adjustments to regulatory requirements. When changing contracts, all legal or regulatory changes must be considered, as failure to comply may result in conflicts with the law, fines, or damage to reputation. Compliance with these changes can also contribute to the success of the project and to maintaining the good reputation between the contracting parties.
  4. Unforeseen circumstances: These are unexpected events or situations that could not reasonably be foreseen at the time the contract was awarded. These could include natural disasters, pandemics, legislative changes, strikes, or other unforeseeable events that could impact the project's timeline, costs, or viability. Taking unforeseen circumstances into account when making contract changes is critical to ensure that parties are protected in the event of unexpected events.

What An Effective Change Control System Looks Like: The Most Important Components

When a company introduces changes to its processes, products, or services, an efficient change control system ensures that they are implemented with minimal disruption to day-to-day business. The following are the general processes that must be followed:

Procedure for amendments

  • Submitting an amendment: In doing so, a person involved recognizes a necessary change and submits an amendment request. The typical change request includes details of the desired change, the rationale for the change, and any possible effects that the change could have on the project. Establishing clear guidelines and procedures for tabling amendments is important to ensure the success of amendments.
  • Review and evaluation: This process typically involves a careful review of the change request, taking into account potential effects on project goals, schedule, spending, and other relevant factors. In this phase, it is essential to ensure that the proposed change is consistent with the project objectives and that the project team has the necessary tools and expertise to successfully implement the change.
  • Approval or Rejection: If the change is consistent with the project goals and the team has the necessary resources, it is approved with possible conditions. If it does not match the team's goals or resources, it is rejected and the person involved is informed with a reason. The decision is based on a thorough analysis of the potential effects and must be objective, consistent and transparent.
  • Communication of the decision: Effective communication is critical during the change request process to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of all changes and understand how they may impact the project. Clear and timely communication can also help build trust and maintain positive relationships between stakeholders and the project team.

Change supervisory body

  • Roles and Responsibilities: The members of the Board of Directors are responsible for analysing all proposed changes, examining their potential effects and deciding whether to accept, reject or defer them for further consideration. They must also ensure that all changes are managed in accordance with established rules and procedures and that proper documentation is maintained.
  • Composition and structure: It depends on the organization and the project or system being managed. The committee usually consists of subject matter experts, project managers, business analysts, and other key stakeholders who have a legitimate interest in the system being changed. The panel should be chaired by someone with the power to approve or reject changes and there should be clear guidelines for the roles and responsibilities of its members.
  • Decision-making process: The process usually starts with an assessment of the proposed change, including its potential impact, associated risks, and costs. Before deciding whether to accept or reject the proposal, it is discussed and evaluated by the board members. Depending on the complexity of the proposal, the Management Board may need to obtain further feedback or make an additional assessment before making a decision.

Documentation and storage of documents

  • Changelog: A document that is used to monitor all changes to a specific system, process, or project. It usually includes important details such as the date of the change, the reasons for it, the person responsible for the change, and any relevant supporting documents or approvals.
  • Contract changes: These are changes to an existing contract between two parties. These changes may be necessary due to changed circumstances or to correct errors or omissions in the original contract. Contract changes must be agreed by both parties and documented in writing.
  • Audit trail: A comprehensive record of all events and activities that take place within a system or process. It serves as a detailed history of all changes made and helps ensure accountability and compliance with regulations. The audit trail must include important information, such as the date and time of the event, who was responsible for carrying out the activity, and any related documentation or permits.


The success of any project often depends on a strategy to control contract changes. Without a good system, project changes can easily get out of hand and lead to delays, higher costs, and poorer results. Project managers can keep their projects on track, on budget, and on schedule by understanding the many types and causes of contract changes and establishing a robust change control system.

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