black smartphone with sign here sticker

The best eSignature solutions for contract management

The days when documents were signed with a pen are gone. Today, the digital path is the right one, as workforces are becoming increasingly decentralized and hybrid.

With the help of electronic signature software, companies can quickly conclude contracts with customers all over the world. This means: No more paperwork and no more waiting for physical mail. The best part is that, from a legal point of view, these signatures are just as reliable as those made with a pen.

What is an Electronic Signature?

An electronic signature basically comprises any electronic authentication method that accepts and confirms a contract or agreement. The system must confirm the identity of the signer, which can be done with a company ID or a verified email account. E-signature software can use multi-factor authentication techniques to create an audit trail.

Other types of electronic signatures in Europe include:

  • Standardised electronic signatures (SES)
  • Advanced electronic signatures (AES)
  • Qualified electronic signatures (QES)

These types of signatures are differentiated by the level of authentication that is required to use them. Read our article Electronic signatures: Everything you need to know to find out more.

Benefits of eSignature

Prior to the legal recognition of electronic signatures, signing contracts was very time-consuming and costly, as it required numerous steps and was very manual.

  • Sign anywhere, anytime: Companies can sign documents electronically from anywhere. The software can be easily used via an Internet connection. This helps to increase business productivity and workflow efficiency.
  • Saving time and reducing costs: Signing paper documents takes time. The required documents must be printed out, signed, scanned and sent to other recipients for signature. With the electronic signature, however, your company saves valuable time and reduces paper costs.
  • High level of safety: With the help of an electronic signature, companies monitor the security of their documents and receive real-time updates on the status of their signatures. Recipients who take their time to sign the document can also receive reminder emails.

The 7 Best eSignature Providers

Let's take a look at some of the leading providers of electronic signature software on the market.

1. is an all-in-one contract management solution that integrates an advanced eSignature solution into its digital workflow. From a single platform, you can automatically create documents, send offers to business partners, and sign documents directly. No more manual printing, scanning, and filing.

With, you get features such as:

  • Document editor with drag-and-drop features
  • Stable audit trail to track contract changes
  • Automatic notifications and reminders for internal and external users
  • Collaborate in real time: Leave comments and make live edits to contracts
  • Unlimited signature with no additional payment
  • Sign documents and contracts anytime, anywhere (with SMS confirmation)

2. PandaDoc

Whether you need a single signature for a one-time contract or frequently need to sign documents for your company, PandaDoc is one of your options for electronic signatures. It's easy to use and has something for everyone.

With PandaDoc, you have features such as:

  • Custom branding for external parties
  • Features for sending bulk documents
  • Allows you to automate approval processes and collect signatures with a single click
  • Minimize risks with workflows that ensure regulatory compliance

Read our article, in which we compare the features and functions of PandaDoc with those of

3. Docusign

The e-signature business was founded by DocuSign. The company specializes in e-signature solutions and offers easy-to-use software that allows you to have your documents signed quickly and easily.

With DocuSign, you have features such as:

  • Remote signature features: Send and sign documents anywhere in the world
  • Assigning a status to the documents so that you can review the project status approval and signing process
  • Create and reuse templates  
  • Customize and add fields to your agreements

Read our article if you're looking for a DocuSign alternative that offers comprehensive contract automation.

4. HelloSign

Since it was acquired by Dropbox in early 2019, HelloSign has become the standard signature choice for Dropbox users. It provides an easy-to-use service that anyone can use to validly execute electronic signatures on any document,

With HelloSign, you can use features like:

  • Provides users with tools to edit and fill in fields in uploaded PDF files
  • Effective document management, including signing, storage, and document sharing
  • Efficient tracking for audit trails
  • Create templates for frequently used documents
  • Individual branding for companies

5. Eversign

Eversign offers a user-friendly solution for electronic signatures. With its features, your company can now use a simple, efficient digital signature process. The solution is easy and intuitive to use and is therefore also suitable for non-technical users.

With Eversign, you can use features like:

  • Upload existing PDFs. They can prepare for the signature with a document editor
  • Audit trails can track the process of signing documents
  • Approval of various types of signing: self-signing, personal signing and remote signing
  • Create templates for the documents you use most often.
  • Managing multiple companies, each with their own employees, contracts, and documents

4. OneSpan Sign

OneSpan Sign, formerly known as eSignLive. The solution was developed with security auditability and compliance in mind. To prevent litigation, it provides a thorough audit trail for every transaction and protects documents and users throughout the signing life cycle.

With Onespan Sign, you can use features like:

  • Optimized and responsive contracts for mobile devices with offline features
  • Record all signing workflow transactions to create accurate audit trails
  • Expanded white lettering. Users see your brand throughout the process
  • Advanced security, tamper-proof sealing of documents per signer

7. Yousign

Yousign is a provider of eSignature software that is committed to making electronic signatures on PDFs easy. The program describes itself as the first e-signature solution for SMEs.

With Yousign, you can use features like:

  • Create your own custom templates for recurring signatures
  • Follow the progress of signatures in real time
  • Users can set up approval sequences for their documents
  • Legally binding electronic signatures and audit trail


We firmly believe that the future of business will largely be shaped by electronic signatures. Therefore, it is important that you become familiar with this technology. To make sure you choose the best e-signature provider for your business, it's important to research and compare all of your options.

Test if you're interested in how to sign a contract electronically. Book a FREE demo today.

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